Established in 2009 in response to a changing healthcare landscape with an ageing population and rapid advances in technology, TCG upholds the values and principles of the NHS: of a comprehensive service, available to all, free at the point of use and based on clinical need.
Our goal is a primary care service which achieves results and that is amongst the best in the world
Putting Patients and Public First
We put patients at the heart of our services, through an information revolution and greater choice and control:
Shared decision-making is the norm: no decision about me without patient.
Patients have access to the information they want, to make choices about their care. They will have increased control over their own care records.
We enable patients to rate us regularly in a variety of ways according to the quality of care they receive, and we are open about mistakes
Our systems focus on personalised care that reflects individuals’ health and care needs, supports carers and encourages strong joint arrangements and local partnerships.We seek to ensure that everyone, whatever their need or background, benefits from our services.
Outstanding Healthcare Outcomes
Our vision is to achieve our ambition for world-class healthcare outcomes, and TCG is focused on outcomes and the quality standards that deliver them.
We have built clinically credible and evidence-based outcome measures for our performance management
We have a culture of open information, active responsibility and challenge will ensure that patient safety is put above all else
We collaborate with stakeholders to ensure excellent patient pathways and outcomes, whilst retaining the traditional values of a family orientated medical practice.
Our philosophy is to turn challenges into opportunities; to be a learning organisation; to have a can do mentality; be highly flexible and patient focussed.
We set challenging goals requiring our service to reflect on needs of the local population and how our contract is delivered. Consequently, we have identified and deliver key service areas. That is our work ethos and mentality.
We have the capability, the clinical expertise, the ambition and the drive to deliver the full range of services to address health inequalities in the community.
We provide the full range of services included in accordance with legislative framework (HSA, DDA, NHS). In addition we provide numerous local enhanced services as commissioned.